Welcome New Staff Member
We welcome Minnie Pongjapoa to our team. Minnie will be working in TA22 each alternate Friday.
Pertinent COVID Information specific to Beeliar Primary School
We would like to inform you of the processes that are currently in place should a student or teacher test positive for COVID19 – or be classified as a “close contact”. There have been an increasing number of primary schools where COVID has impacted on staff and students which have resulted in people needing to isolate either due to infection or being a close contact.
In the event of the school being notified that a staff or student has tested positive our first port of call will be our Principal Liaison at the Department of Education. This will help determine which students within the school (if any) will be deemed “close contacts”.
Currently the stipulations are as follows:
– A student or staff member that tests positive for COVID 19 will need to isolate for a period of 7 days as advised by the Health Department. After this period, if they are symptom free, they will be able to return to school.
– Where a staff member or student is deemed to be a close contact, they will also need to isolate for 7 days and test negative for COVID 19 prior to returning to school. There will be further communication should this transpire. A close contact has a specific definition regarding the length of contact, and the level of protection worn by both the potential contact and the infected person. There is no longer recognition in terms of “casual contacts” in relation to isolation.
We are conscious of the need to continue to minimise the amount of cross-cohort indoor activity and as such the following conditions remain in place:
1. There are no Assemblies or Block meetings where larger groups of staff and students will meet
2. We continue to ask for the arrival at school to be as close to 8.35am as possible
3. Parents are asked to always wear a mask on the school site – and remain out of classrooms (if you require a meeting with the teacher – please contact them via email and an alternate arrangement can be made to ensure that these important communications can proceed in some form
4. Staff will continue to wear masks indoors when not engaged in the teaching process
5. All staff, parents and students are strongly advised to remain at home when they have any COVID-like symptoms and to get tested before returning to school.
We continue to receive advice and information regarding the COVID situation and will update you when the “operating guidelines” change. We do understand that it is an uncertain time and would like to assure parents that we will continue to endeavour to keep everyone safe – and at the same time keep things as normal as possible. If your child is feeling particularly anxious – or you would like to have a chat about any concerns that you have regarding COVID or the response within the school, please do not hesitate to contact the office and we will be most happy to discuss this with you.
So far we have been fortunate regarding COVID and we hope that this continues.
Thanks to everyone for your understanding and support in these uncertain times, we certainly appreciate it!
Kind Regards,
Daniel Mort
Beeliar Priamry School