Bull Creek Primary School COVID Message
Dear Parents & Carers,
The staff are looking forward to a wonderful year. The term will start of a little different regarding changes with COVID. The school will follow the Department of Health and Department of Education advice as it is released.
Bull Creek Primary is making some operational changes as proactive measures for the first few weeks of school and it will be reviewed depending on health advice.
These include the following items:
- Adults are to wear masks indoors (this includes all buildings on site)
- Library books, home reading books and diaries will not be used in the first couple of weeks
- Students will be in separate eating areas as of Monday (Junior students will eat in the old undercover area and the Senior students will eat in the new undercover area)
- Assemblies will be divided into Junior and Senior
- No sharing of food including birthday cupcakes
- Students will be playing in different zones
- Do not send your child to school if they have cold/flu like symptoms
- Students are not permitted to use the playground before or after school
- Parents are to drop off and pick up promptly (refrain from socialising on school grounds)
- Socially distance yourself from others 1.5m
- Follow the poster instructions at each entry point (doors/window)
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe. Please update your contact details with the school.
Kind regards
Sharon Marchenko
Principal – Bull Creek Primary School