A warm welcome to all to the 2022 school year. Many thanks to all our families for preparing our students for the commencement of the year. It was lovely to see our students so excited to be at school on Monday, and ready to learn.
Thank you to all of our school community for adhering to the Department of Health guidelines by wearing masks indoors in our classrooms. Your support in keeping our families and school community safe is greatly appreciated.
Staff Professional Learning
We were very fortunate to have our two school development days. These included the following focus areas:
- Fremantle LDC Focus 2022
- Wellbeing and School Culture
- Oral Language Narrative Assessment
- Establishing positive routines, relationships and behaviour
- Learning continuity planning
Class Meetings
Our classroom teachers will be in touch with you over the next week to provide details of class meetings. These meetings are likely to be held in week 3 and are intended to provide comprehensive information on specific classroom programs, timetables, classroom requirements and organisation. This is a wonderful opportunity to build home/school connections, meet your child’s teaching staff, ask questions and gain a greater understanding of how you can support your child throughout the year.
At the start of the year the speech pathologists and teachers will administer assessments so that we have current data to develop your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). There will be an opportunity for parents to meet with the classroom teacher on an individual basis to review their child’s IEP. This will be held at the end of this term.
Our school P&C is a wonderful group of parents who enjoy getting together to share, support and help raise funds for the school. All parents are encouraged to be a part of our P&C so please let your classroom teacher know if you are able to help out by being a class representative. The first meeting for the year (AGM) will be conducted early this term. Please watch out for details coming soon.
We look forward to meeting and working with all parents and families throughout the coming year. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Vivienne Doig