Principal News: Welcome back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2

I hope you all managed to have a restful school break. It was lovely to see all our students return yesterday and excited about the term ahead.

Staff School Development Day

On Monday, our staff started off their term with a full day of high quality professional. Our focus areas included:

  • Our Education Assistants worked all morning with our Literacy Coach, Fleur Aris, in learning how to provide quality Literacy intervention and the best ways to support the learning needs of our students.
  • Our Teachers and Speech Pathologists were involved in professional learning around “Teaching Sprints”. Teaching Sprints is a process that supports our teaching staff to continuously enhance their teaching expertise. The process involves the meaningful engagement with the best available research evidence in the field, and involves collaboration and disciplined dialogue in order to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their practice.
  • Our afternoon involved a highly engaging presenter, Claire Orange, who provided us with Professional Learning around Health and Wellbeing & Social/Emotional Development of our students. Claire Orange is a highly respected author, mum, parent educator, speaker and trainer in these areas. We were extremely fortunate to be able to have her share her amazing knowledge with us all and the evidence behind the Little Highway Heroes & Highway Heroes social/emotional programs. You may already be familiar with her work through the work she does with Channel 9 and through our great parent resource we provide – Parent TV.  (If you have not yet accessed this great resource, Parent TV, please contact the office for the login details).

Our next staff development day (pupil free day) will be Monday 19th July, 2021.

Farewell to Georgie Sounness

It is with great sadness that we say farewell to one of our Deputy Principals (Speech and Language), Georgie Sounness, as she has now retired. On Monday evening we had a lovely staff dinner with Georgie and her family to congratulate her on her retirement and wish her well for her future adventures. Georgie has been an integral part of Fremantle Language Development Centre since its inception in 2005 and prior to that at Carawatha Language Development Centre. I would like to thank Georgie for all she has done for our students, families, staff, community as well as the students of all the schools she supported in the Kimberley, Pilbara and South Metro regions. Georgie should be very proud of the work she has done and the difference she has made to so many children.

Business Plan

We have now nearly finalised our next Business Plan. Our Improvement Priorities for 2021-2024 are:

  • Student Achievement
  • Excellence in Teaching
  • Culture and Care
  • Strengthening Relationships

More detailed information around these priorities will be available soon. I look forward to sharing our school improvement plan with you.

Online Policy – 3rd Party Apps

This week your child will receive some forms that relate to the Department of Education Online Policy and the 3rd Party Apps we use at Fremantle LDC. In order for your child to use particular apps at school, we require permission from parents and caregivers. Could you please complete the forms as soon as possible and return to your child’s classroom teacher to minimise the disruption to their learning program. Thank you for your support.

We look forward to meeting and working with all parents and families throughout this 11-week term. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Vivienne Doig