Principal News: Welcome back to Term 4!

Welcome back to term 4. I hope you all had a lovely school break. It was lovely to see the students return last week and share their holiday adventures.

Public School Review

All staff were very busy on our first day back on our School Development Day on Monday of last week. We took this opportunity to review our school self-assessment in preparation for our Public School Review, which took place on Wednesday. This was a day where two Department of Education Public School Reviewers came to our school for the day to validate our self-assessment processes. Throughout the day they met with our school leadership teams, teaching and non-teaching staff, School Board Chairs, P&C President, host school principals, and parents from all three of our sites. It was a very rich day of discussions around our school processes and student achievement. Feedback was extremely positive. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to these interviews and providing such valuable information to our reviewers. I look forward to sharing with you the report when it is finalised and sent to us in a couple of weeks.

Referrals for 2022

Last week we also conducted our Placement Process for 2022 referrals. I’m sure you can all remember when you went through this process when your child first applied to be referred to our school. It is a time of mixed feelings of uncertainty, excitement and anticipation waiting on a possible offer of placement. We will be sending out our first round of offers this week, so we look forward to welcoming some new families to our school next year.

DLD Awareness Day

On Friday 15th of October we celebrated Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.  This is a day aimed at raising awareness internationally for DLD. This is a big part of the reason for our schools’ existence, so we encourage you to spread the word. Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (RADLD) is an international organisation helping to increase awareness of this hidden, but common condition. They have a wealth of information about DLD on their website: . Each of our sites have had a staff morning tea to help raise awareness across our host schools. Our Speech Pathologists gave presentations, you can read some of the information presented here.

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Below, are some of the ways that you can get involved on social media to support the campaign!


I look forward to a great Term 4!

Kind regards

Vivienne Doig