Year 3 Students – New School Information

A reminder to all Year 3 student parents and carers to please ensure you have enrolled your child into a mainstream school of your choice for 2022 at the earliest convenience.

We sent an email to you earlier this week regarding your child’s new school information for next year and we kindly ask that you please fill in the online form as soon as this has been decided.

If enrolment details change, please contact the school office on 9312 4850.  In Term 4, the Fremantle LDC Transition team will be in contact with all schools to provide a handover and outline the ongoing support offered by the Fremantle LDC.

You are also invited to the Student Transition Parent Information Session to find out about our school’s student Transition program and how you can support your child during this important stage. The Information Session will be held at our Willagee site and parents/carers from all sites are encouraged to attend.

Date:     Thursday 4th November 2021
Time:     6.30pm – 7.30pm
Where:  Fremantle Language Development Centre Staffroom
24 Winnacott Street, Willagee
Parking: staff car park off Drury Street

More information on this will come home early next term.

Thank you for your support with the Fremantle LDC Transition Program, we look forward to continuing to work together to ensure a smooth transition next year.